Netsparker Community Edition – Web Application Security Scanner

Netsparker is a Web Application Security Scanner that claims to be False-Positive Free. The developers thought that if you need to investigate every single identified issue manually what’s the point of having an automated scanner? So they developed a new technology which can confirm vulnerabilities on demand which allowed us to develop the first false positive free web application security scanner.

When Netsparker identifies an SQL Injection, it can identify how to exploit it automatically and extract the version information from the application. When the version is successfully extracted Netsparker will report the issue as confirmed so that you can make sure that the issue is not a false-positive.

Same applies to other vulnerabilities such as XSS (Cross-site Scripting) where Netsparker loads the injection in an actual browser and observes the execution of JavaScript to confirm that the injection will actually get executed in the browser.

Thanks to its comprehensive and powerful JavaScript engine it’s possible to simulate a real attacker successfully. This means it can successfully analyse websites that rely on AJAX and JavaScript.

You don’t need to be a security expert, get training or read a long manual to start. Since the user interface is easy to use and can confirm and show you the impact, you can just fire it up and start using it.

You can download Netsparker – Community Edition here:


Or read more here.