DAVTest – WebDAV Vulberability Scanning Tool

When facing off against a WebDAV enabled server, there are two things to find out quickly: can you upload files, and if so, can you execute code?

DAVTest attempts help answer those questions, as well as enable the pentester to quickly gain access to the host. DAVTest tries to upload test files of various extension types (e.g., “.php” or “.txt”), checks if those files were uploaded successfully, and then if they can execute on the server. It also allows for uploading of the files as plain text files and then trying to use the MOVE command to rename them to an executable.

Assuming you can upload an executable, a test file does you no good–so DAVTest can automatically upload a fully functional shell. It ships with shells for PHP, ASP, ASPX, CFM, JSP, CGI, and PL, and dropping a file in the right directory will let you upload any back-door you like.


  • Upload with executable extension or .txt
  • Checks for successful upload and execution
  • Supports MOVE and MKCOL
  • Can upload backdoor/shell or arbitrary files
  • Basic authentication

DAVTest is written in PERL and licensed under the GPLv3.

You can download DAVTest v1.0 here:


Or read more here.

fuzzdb – Comprehensive Set Of Known Attack Sequences

fuzzdb is a comprehensive set of known attack pattern sequences, predictable locations, and error messages for intelligent brute force testing and exploit condition identification of web applications.

Many mechanisms of attack used to exploit different web server platforms and applications are triggered by particular meta-characters that are observed in more than one product security advisory. fuzzdb is a database attack patterns known to have caused exploit conditions in the past, categorized by attack type, platform, and application.

Because of the popularity of a small number of server types, platforms, and package formats, resources such as logfiles and administrative directories are typically located in a small number of predictable locations. A comprehensive database of these, sorted by platform type, makes brute force fuzz testing a scalpel-like approach.

Since system errors contain predictable strings, fuzzdb contains lists of error messages to be pattern matched against server output in order to aid detection software security defects.

Primary sources used for attack pattern research:

  • researching old web exploits for repeatable attack strings
  • scraping scanner patterns from http logs
  • various books, articles, blog posts, mailing list threads
  • patterns gleaned from other open source fuzzers and pentest tools
  • analysis of default app installs
  • system and application documentation
  • error messages

It’s like a non-automated open source scanner without the scanner. You can download fuzzdb v1.06 here:


It’s recommended to sync via SVN though as the contents will be a lot fresher as compared to the files in the tar.

svn checkout http://fuzzdb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ fuzzdb-read-only

Or read more here.

ReFrameworker – General Purpose Framework Modifier

ReFrameworker is a general purpose Framework modifier, used to reconstruct framework Runtimes by creating modified versions from the original implementation that was provided by the framework vendor. ReFrameworker performs the required steps of runtime manipulation by tampering with the binaries containing the framework’s classes, in order to produce modified binaries that can replace the original ones.

It was developed to experiment with and demonstrate deployment of MCR (Managed Code Rootkits) code into a given framework.


  • Performs all the required steps needed for modifying framework binaries (disassemble, code injection, reassemble, precompiled images cleaning, etc.)
  • Fast development and deployment of a modified behavior into a given framework
  • Auto generated deployers
  • Modules: a separation between general purpose “building blocks” that can be injected into any given binary, allowing the users to create small pieces of code that can be later combined to form a specific injection task.
  • Can be easily adapted to support multiple frameworks by minimal configuration (currently comes preconfigured for the .NET framework)
  • Comes with many “preconfigured” proof-of-concept attacks (implemented as modules) that demonstrate its usage that can be easily extended to perform many other things.

ReFrameworker, as a general purpose framework modification tool, can be used in other contexts besides security such as customizing frameworks for performance tuning, Runtime tweaking, virtual patching, hardening, and probably other usages – It all depends on what it is instructed to do.

You can download ReFrameworker v1.1 here:

Software – ReFrameworker_V1.1.zip
Source Code: ReFrameworker_V1.1_Source_Code.zip

Or read more here.

Netsparker Community Edition – Web Application Security Scanner

Netsparker is a Web Application Security Scanner that claims to be False-Positive Free. The developers thought that if you need to investigate every single identified issue manually what’s the point of having an automated scanner? So they developed a new technology which can confirm vulnerabilities on demand which allowed us to develop the first false positive free web application security scanner.

When Netsparker identifies an SQL Injection, it can identify how to exploit it automatically and extract the version information from the application. When the version is successfully extracted Netsparker will report the issue as confirmed so that you can make sure that the issue is not a false-positive.

Same applies to other vulnerabilities such as XSS (Cross-site Scripting) where Netsparker loads the injection in an actual browser and observes the execution of JavaScript to confirm that the injection will actually get executed in the browser.

Thanks to its comprehensive and powerful JavaScript engine it’s possible to simulate a real attacker successfully. This means it can successfully analyse websites that rely on AJAX and JavaScript.

You don’t need to be a security expert, get training or read a long manual to start. Since the user interface is easy to use and can confirm and show you the impact, you can just fire it up and start using it.

You can download Netsparker – Community Edition here:


Or read more here.

PBNJ – Network Architecture Monitoring Tool

PBNJ is a suite of tools to monitor changes on a network over time. It does this by checking for changes on the target machine(s), which includes the details about the services running on them as well as the service state. PBNJ parses the data from a scan and stores it in a database. PBNJ uses Nmap to perform scans.

What does PBNJ do?

Depending on what you need, PBNJ can do various things. It is able to give a layout of a class network. It can also be run as an automated scanning tool parsing the data to CSV format files and growing an in-depth view of a network over time.

  • Automated Internal/External Scans
  • Flexible Querying/Alerting System
  • Parsing Nmap XML results
  • Easy access to Nmap’s data in a database (SQLite, MySQL or Postgres)
  • Distributed Scanning Consoles and Engines
  • Runs on Linux, BSD and Windows
  • Packaged for Debian, FreeBSD, Gentoo, Backtrack and nUbuntu

You can download PBNJ here:


Or read more here.

x5s – Automated XSS Security Testing Assistant

x5s is a Fiddler add-on which aims to assist penetration testers in finding cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. It’s main goal is to help you identify the hotspots where XSS might occur by:

  • Detecting where safe encodings were not applied to emitted user-inputs
  • Detecting where Unicode character transformations might bypass security filters
  • Detecting where non-shortest UTF-8 encodings might bypass security filters

It injects ASCII to find traditional encoding issues, and it injects special Unicode characters and encodings to help an analyst identify where XSS filters might be bypassed. The approach to finding these hotspots involves injecting single-character probes separately into each input field of each request, and detecting how they were later emitted. The focus is on reflected XSS issues however persisted issues can also be detected.

The idea of injecting special Unicode characters and non-shortest form encodings was to identify where transformations occur which could be used to bypass security filters. This also has the interesting side effect of illuminating how all of the fields in a Web-app handle Unicode. For example, in a single page with many inputs, you may end up seeing the same test case get returned in a variety of ways – URL encoded, NCR encoded, ill-encoded, raw, replaced, dropped, etc. In some cases where we’ve had Watcher running in conjunction, we’ve been able to detect ill-formed UTF-8 byte sequences which is indicative of ‘other’ problems.

x5s acts as an assistant to the security tester by speeding up the process of parameter manipulation and aggregating the results for quick viewing. It automates some of the preliminary XSS testing work by enumerating and injecting canaries into all input fields/parameters sent to an application and analyzing how those canaries were later emitted. E.g. Was the emitted output encoded safely or not? Did an injected character transform to something else?

x5s does not inject XSS payloads – it does not attempt to exploit or confirm an XSS vulnerability. It’s designed to draw your attention to the fields and parameters which seem likely candidates for vulnerability. A security-tester would review the results to find issues where special characters were dangerously transformed or emitted without a safe encoding. This can be done by quickly scanning the results, which have been designed with the intention of providing quick visual inspection. Results filters are also included so the tester could simply click show hotspots to see only the potential problem areas. After identifying a hotspot it’s the tester’s job to perform further validation and XSS testing.

The types of test cases that x5s includes:

  1. Traditional test cases – characters typically used to test for XSS injection such as <, >, “,and ‘ which are used to control HTML, CSS, or javascript;
  2. Transformable test cases – characters that might uppercase, lowercase, Normalize, best-fit map, or other wise transform to completely different characters, E.g. the Turkish ‘İ’ which will lower-case to ‘i’ in culture-aware software.
  3. Overlong UTF-8 test cases – non-shortest UTF-8 encodings of the ‘traditional’ test cases noted above. E.g. the ASCII <>

You can download x5s here:

x5s v1.0.0 beta

Or read more here.

StreamArmor – Discover & Remove Alternate Data Streams (ADS)

StreamArmor is a tool for discovering hidden alternate data streams (ADS) and can also clean them completely from the system. It’s advanced auto analysis coupled with online threat verification mechanism makes it the best tool available in the market for eradicating the evil streams. StreamArmor comes with fast multi threaded ADS scanner which can recursively scan over entire system and quickly uncover all hidden streams. All such discovered streams are represented using specific color patten based on threat level which makes it easy for human eye to distinguish between suspicious and normal streams.

StreamArmor has built-in advanced file type detection mechanism which examines the content of file to accurately detect the file type of stream. This makes it great tool in forensic analysis in uncovering hidden documents/images/audio/video/database/archive files within the alternate data streams. StreamArmor is the standalone, portable application which does not require any installation. It can be copied to any place in the system and executed directly.

What are ADS (Alternate Data Streams)?

If you’ve had any experience with advanced malware or Windows forensics you’d already know what ADS are, but if you haven’t is a lesser known feature of the Windows NTFS file system which provides the ability to put data into existing files and folders without affecting their functionality and size. Any such stream associated with file/folder is not visible when viewed through conventional utilities such as Windows Explorer or DIR command or any other file browser tools.

If so inclined you can read more here:


Windows XP, 2K3, Vista, Longhorn and Windows 7 (both 32 & 64 bit versions) On 64 bit platform, only 32 bit processes are supported.

You can download StreamArmor v1.0 here:


Or read more here.

pwnat – NAT To NAT Client Communication Tool

pwnat, pronounced “poe-nat”, is a tool that allows any number of clients behind NATs to communicate with a server behind a separate NAT with *no* port forwarding and *no* DMZ setup on any routers in order to directly communicate with each other. The server does not need to know anything about the clients trying to connect.

Simply put, this is a proxy server that works behind a NAT, even when the client is behind a NAT, without any 3rd party. There is no middle man, no proxy, no 3rd party, no UPnP/STUN/ICE required, no spoofing, and no DNS tricks. More importantly, the client can then connect to any host or port on any remote host or to a fixed host and port decided by the server.

pwnat is based off of the UDP tunneling software by Daniel Meekins, udptunnel, and my original chownat.

pwnat will work on most *nix operating systems. Tested on Linux and OS X.

You can download pwnat v0.2-beta here:


Or read more here.