Webtunnel 0.0.2 – HTTP Encapsulation and Tunnel Tool

Webtunnel is a network utility that encapsulates arbitrary data in HTTP and transmits it through a web server. In that regard, it is similar to httptunnel, however, it has several key important differences: its server component runs in the context of a web server as a CGI application (with optional FastCGI support) so it does not need its own port, and supports most things that the web server supports, such as authentication, HTTP 1.1, HTTPS, and client certificates; it uses simple requests and responses so it works seamlessly through forward and reverse proxies; it is multi-threaded (actually multi-process using sockets for inter-process communication) to allow multiple parallel connections to multiple destinations simultaneously.

It’s written in Perl and currently supports the tunneling of TCP connections. Future plans include implementations in different languages, mixed tunneling of UDP and pipes (so you can tunnel directly to a shell etc.), configuration features such as access control lists, and transmission options like compression and encryption.

You can download Webtunnel 0.0.2 here:


Or read more here.