Russix – LiveCD Linux Distro for Wireless Penetration Testing & WEP Cracking

Russix is a Slax based Wireless Live Linux. It has been designed to be light (circa 230Mb) and dedicated purely to wireless auditing.

It is not a script kiddy phishing tool and as such, while it will allow you to break a WEP key in 6 key strokes and conduct an “Evil Tiny Twin” attack in less than 5, it will not let you become the latest version of Barclays Bank.

Russix evolved from an internal UK Military Wireless auditing tool (debian based) which russ had developed while working for them as a penetration tester.

Russix is a free download for auditing. It scripts together several WLAN attacks and will allow the user to break a WEP key in about 6 keystrokes! It will not be modified by us to make it into a phishing tool as that would be evil.

It comprises a number of tools including aircrack-ng, cowpatty, asleap, nmap, wireshark, hydra, as well as scripted attacks to aid cracking WEP and WPA networks. Currently, it only supports Atheros based chipsets and those of you lucky enough to own 2 atheros cards will be able to use the scripted Evil Twin attack.

Interested in hearing any feedback you may have or improvements you can make.

You can download it here:

Built on 9th Dec 2007: Download latest version

Or read more here.