HttpBee – Web Application Hacking Toolkit

HttpBee is a swiss-army-knife tool for web application hacking. It is multi-threaded, embedded with scriptable engine and has both command-line and daemon mode (if executed in daemon mode, HttpBee can become an agent of a distributed framework).

This is a tool for more advanced users and there isn’t much documentation so if anyone feels like writing a more comprehensive guide or tutorial, please do so!


You will need lua 5.1.x. Grab it at

You will also need pcre library.

There’s no ./configure script in HttpBee at the moment, so you will need to change Makefile directly before you build it. Look into CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS section. -DOS_X (or -DLINUX, or -DWINDOWS is basically a setting for your platform, plus, ajust the pathes).


The folder ‘modules’ contains lua plugins that HttpBee uses to perform its assessment tasks. You can run HttpBee as ./httpbee -s path/to/modules/script.lua -t 255 -h localhost (specifying different number of parallel threads impacts performance)


The way HttpBee’s scripting engine is implemented is relevant to HttpBee architecture itself. HttpBee maintains a pool of threads that it uses for parallel task execution. Therefore execution of HttpBee scripts is not linear. Instead, there are certain functions which are executed at certain steps of scanning process. The global scripting part is executed when the script is initially “scanned”, so HttpBee can pick up tags, description and other data from your script. init function will be executed only when your script is picked up and scheduled for execution (based on tags selection for example).

You can download HttpBee here:


Or read more here.