eEye Launches 0-Day Exploit Tracker

0-day as basically stated in the article is an exploit not known publicly or available publicly well before any patches are available, some private groups often have exploits for a year or more before someone else discovers them, makes them public and they inevitably get fixed.

Like the famous remote exploit in Windows RPC, private groups had that for almost 2 years before it became public.

Security firm eEye has created what’s described as the industry’s first site designed solely to track zero-day vulnerabilities, flaws where exploits are available prior to the release of security patches.

eEye’s zero-day tracking site provides detailed information on flaws and remediation strategies to users. The site will be maintained by security researchers at eEye Research, who have a track record of unearthing new security bugs, and is essentially an eEye gig rather than a cross-industry effort.

It’s a good idea even if it’s not an industry effort it’s solely an eEye effort, I’m glad someone has done it and eEye has a strong capable team, so it should be fairly relevant if it’s kept up to date.

However, eEye invites other interested parties to contribute suggestions on flaws that merit inclusion on its list. eEye said it created the site, which includes information on how long flaws have remained unfixed, in response to the growing number of zero-day exploits.

In other security tracking news, security notification firm Secunia has released a tool designed to determine insecure versions of popular software packages (such as browsers, IM clients, and media players) on consumer’s PC.

Secunia’s Software Inspector provides users with advice on what to do if they are running insecure software packages.

Both eEye zero-day tracking site and Secunia’s Software Inspector are available free of charge.

You can find the site here:

eEye Zero Day Tracker

Source: The Register