Vulnerability Assessment and Operational Security Testing Methodology (VAOST) – version 0.2

Here is a newly released VA methodology, the author believes it to be more focused, and thus cost effective VA process. It may map to internal work, but it is probably more suited to external sites.

It’s gone through a couple of revisions so it’s a bit more polished now.

You can find the notes on the first version here.

Version 0.2 has been released after some community endorsement, there is still some work to do though, they hope to add the following shortly:

  • Pre stages to get management buy in
  • A complete worked example that shows the kind of results that can be produced
  • A more complete list of or supporting implementing software
  • A more complete list of attack tools for the authorisation checklist.
  • Better graphics
  • A standalone collection of the checklists

You can download VAOST version 0.2 here:

VAOST 0.2 (doc version)

The author welcomes your feedback and comments. The VAOST forum area where you can get the files will accept guest (ie un-registered) posts so you can add your comments there if you desire (note we will delete defamatory and rude posts to prevent our being sued!).

It is work in progress and we still have a long way to go, but hopefully, we can get there with your help.

The general VAOST forum can be found here.