Metasploit 2.7

The Metasploit Framework is an advanced open-source exploit development platform. The 2.7 release includes three user interfaces, 157 exploits and 76 payloads.The Framework will run on any modern operating system that has a working Perl interpreter. The Windows installer includes a slimmed-down version of the Cygwin environment.

Windows users are encouraged to update as soon as possible. A number of improvements were made that should make the Windows experience a little less painful and a lot more reliable. All updates to 2.6 have been rolled into 2.7, along with some new exploits and minor features.

You can download the new metasploit here:

– Unix:
– Win32:

A demonstration of the msfweb interface is running live from:

This may be the LAST 2.x version of the Metasploit Framework. All development resources are now being applied to version 3.0. More information about version 3.0 can be found online at:

Exploit modules designed for the 2.2 through 2.6 releases should maintain compatibility with 2.7. If you run into any problems using older modules with this release, please let us know.

For more information about the Framework and this release in general, please refer to the online documentation, particularly the User Guide:

Vulnerability Assessment and Operational Security Testing Methodology (VAOST) – version 0.2

Here is a newly released VA methodology, the author believes it to be more focused, and thus cost effective VA process. It may map to internal work, but it is probably more suited to external sites.

It’s gone through a couple of revisions so it’s a bit more polished now.

You can find the notes on the first version here.

Version 0.2 has been released after some community endorsement, there is still some work to do though, they hope to add the following shortly:

  • Pre stages to get management buy in
  • A complete worked example that shows the kind of results that can be produced
  • A more complete list of or supporting implementing software
  • A more complete list of attack tools for the authorisation checklist.
  • Better graphics
  • A standalone collection of the checklists

You can download VAOST version 0.2 here:

VAOST 0.2 (doc version)

The author welcomes your feedback and comments. The VAOST forum area where you can get the files will accept guest (ie un-registered) posts so you can add your comments there if you desire (note we will delete defamatory and rude posts to prevent our being sued!).

It is work in progress and we still have a long way to go, but hopefully, we can get there with your help.

The general VAOST forum can be found here.

AttackAPI 0.8 JavaScript Hacking Suite

AttackAPI provides simple and intuitive web programmable interface for composing attack vectors with JavaScript and other client (and server) related technologies. The current release supports several browser based attacking techniques, simple but powerful JavaScript console and powerful attack channel and associated API for controlling zombies.

The standalone components of the library can be found at the following locations:

One infrastructure tool is available here:

I would recommend AttackAPI 0.8 to everyone who is interested in high-end hacking not because I wrote it but because it provides a good demonstration of what is possible today. That, I hope will take our awareness even further.

AttackAPI slowly moves to its 1.0 release where I am planning to standardize its core, fix discovered bugs and make it even more cross-platformed. Still, there is a long way to go but I am willing to take my chances. There are plans for 0.9 but I will keep them undisclosed for now.

So what 0.8 has to offer? There are a couple of things that worth attention. I will start in chronological order.

The Client interface can be used to enumerate the current client. It has functionalities to fingerprint the current operating system, installed plugins, the browser in use and the local NATed IP address and hostname. This tool is brilliant for doing the first steps of any targeted attack.

The Server, on the other hand, can be used to fingerprint the current server. It provides information about its domain, IP address, platform, server software and the application architecture. Its purpose is to identify what is currently available. That is important because the Web is very distributed and agile network and controlling dozens of infected clients is a mission on its own.

Full information on AttackAPI is available here:

AttackAPI 0.8

w3bfukk0r 0.2 Forced Browsing Tool

w3bfukk0r is a forced browsing tool, it basically scans webservers (HTTP/HTTPS) for a directory by using HTTP HEAD command and brute force mechanism based on a word list. Features:

  • HTTP/HTTPS(SSL) support
  • Banner grabbing
  • User-Agent faking
  • Proxy support (HTTP/S)
  • Reports found and non-existend directories

Example output:

Starting w3bfukk0r 0.2
Scanning with 76 words from words.txt

Found (HTTP 200)
Found (HTTP 200)
Found (HTTP 200)
Found (HTTP 200)

Found 4 directories.
Server runs: Apache/2.0.54 (Debian GNU/Linux) PHP/5.1.4-0.1~bpo2

Scan finished (5 seconds).

Note: Not all webservers are handling HTTP status codes correctly, so if the webserver doesn’t care about RFCs the report generated by w3bfukk0r may include false positives. Maybe we’ll find a good method to detect those false positives.

You can download w3bfukk0r 0.2 here:


Medusa version 1.3

Medusa is intended to be a speedy, massively parallel, modular, login brute-forcer. The goal is to support as many services which allow remote authentication as possible. The author considers following items as some of the key features of this application:

  • Thread-based parallel testing. Brute-force testing can be performed against multiple hosts, users or passwords concurrently.
  • Flexible user input. Target information (host/user/password) can be specified in a variety of ways. For example, each item can be either a single entry or a file containing multiple entries. Additionally, a combination file format allows the user to refine their target listing.
  • Modular design. Each service module exists as an independent .mod file. This means that no modifications are necessary to the core application in order to extend the supported list of services for brute-forcing.

Version 1.3 of Medusa is now available for public download.

Medusa currently has modules supporting: CVS, FTP, HTTP, IMAP, MS-SQL, MySQL, NCP (NetWare), PcAnywhere, POP3, PostgreSQL, rexec, rlogin, rsh, SMB, SMTP (VRFY), SNMP, SSHv2, SVN, Telnet, VmAuthd, VNC, and a generic wrapper module.

While Medusa was designed to serve the same purpose as THC-Hydra, there are several significant differences. For a brief comparison you can see here.

This release fixes several autoconf issues and a number of minor bugs.

You can find the Medusa homepage here and download Medusa here:

Medusa 1.3

Medusa was developed on Gentoo Linux and FreeBSD. Some limited testing has been done on other platforms/distributions (OpenBSD, Debian, Ubuntu, Darwin, Solaris).

Taof 0.1 Network Protocol Fuzzer

Taof is a GUI cross-platform Python generic network protocol fuzzer. It has been designed for minimizing set-up time during fuzzing sessions and it is especially useful for fast testing of proprietary or undocumented protocols.

Taof aids the researcher during the data retrieval process by providing a transparent proxy functionality that forwards and logs requests from a client to a server. After the data retrieval phase, Taof presents the logged requests and allows the user to specify the fuzzing points within the requests.

This is the first public release, and as it is in beta state, every comment/suggestion/request is more than welcome. Contact regarding the project can be made by posting to the web forums or directly mailing the project’s administrator.

Source code, windows binaries and guide are now available for download. Screenshots are also provided.

Wyd – Automated Password Profiling Tool

Wyd is a neat tool I found recently for Password Profiling.

In current IT security environments, files and services are often password protected. In certain situation it is required to get access to files and/or data even when they are protected and the password is unknown. was born out of those two of situations:

  • A penetration test should be performed and the default wordlist does not contain a valid password
  • During a forensic crime investigation a password protected file must be opened without knowing the the password.

The general idea is to personalize or profile the available data about a “target” person or system and generate a wordlist of possible passwords/passphrases out of available informations. Instead of just using the command ’strings’ to extract all the printable characters out of all type of files, we wanted to eliminate as much false-positives as possible. The goal was to exlude as much “unusable” data as possible to get an effective list of possible passwords/passphrases.

At the moment the following file types are supported:

  • plain
  • html
  • doc
  • ppt
  • mp3
  • pdf

There is more info here.

You can download Wyd here:

Wyd – Latest Version