Announcing a new web application source code analysis tool called the Securitycompass Web Application Analysis Tool or SWAAT.

You may know it as a static analysis tool.

Currently in its beta release, this .Net command-line tool searches through source code for potential vulnerabilities in the following languages:

  • Java and JSP
  • ASP.Net
  • PHP

Using xml-based signature files, it searches for common functions and expression which may lead to exploits. We believe that this tool will help you in your ongoing source code analysis efforts.

Please visit Security Compass to download SWAAT. Future releases of SWAAT would include plugins into popular IDEs such as Visual Studio .NET and Eclipse.

As the tool is still new, Security Compass appreciates any comments you have in functionality and desired features. Please send any feedback to swaat -at securitycompass.com.

The direct link to download SWAAT is HERE.