Source Code & Software Security Analysis with BogoSec

Bogosec is essentially a tool for finding security vulnerabilities in source code.

BogoSec aims to increase awareness regarding code security vulnerabilities, while encouraging developers to produce more secure code over time. By simplifying the code scanning process, BogoSec achieves a goal of allowing developers to scan their code regularly and more effectively.

BogoSec is a source code metric tool that wraps multiple source code scanners, invokes them on its target code, and produces a final score that approximates the security quality of the code. This article discusses the BogoSec methodology and implementation, and illustrates the output of BogoSec when run on a number of test cases, including Apache Web server, OpenSSH, Sendmail, Perl, and others.

Bogosec seems to use:

* Flawfinder
* ITS4

The CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) reported 5,990 vulnerabilities in 2005 compared with 171 in 1995. Many software security vulnerabilities occur because of poor programming practices. Some vulnerabilities are algorithmically detectable by static source code scanners designed for identifying potential security issues. As the number and severity of potential security holes per line of code increase, it is reasonable to believe that the overall quality of the source code in terms of security decreases. BogoSec metrics are computed values that attempt to reflect relative ratings of source code security quality for comparative purposes.

The motivation behind BogoSec is to influence developers to produce more secure source code over time. Various scanners exist that point developers to potentially insecure sections of code, but developers are often reluctant to use such scanners because of a seemingly high degree of false positive output as well as the difficulties associated with use. BogoSec attempts to reduce the penalty of false positives while broadening the scope of the source scan by using multiple independent scanners. This produces high-level metrics that allow developers and users alike to comparatively judge the quality of the source code in terms of security.

You can download the full 23 page article here (PDF Warning).

You can find the BogoSec project here.