Arachni v0.3 Released – Web Application Security Scanner Framework

For those who are not aware, Arachni is a fully automated system which tries to enforce the fire and forget principle. As soon as a scan is started it will not bother you for anything nor require further user interaction. Upon completion, the scan results will be saved in a file which you can later convert to several different formats (HTML, Plain Text, XML, etc.)

The project was initially started as an educational exercise though it has since evolved into a powerful and modular framework allowing for fast, accurate and flexible security/vulnerability assessments..

More than that, Arachni is highly extend-able allowing for anyone to improve upon it by adding custom components and tailoring most aspects to meet most needs.

The author notified us of a major new release (v0.3) which has some great new features, a few of those being:

  • A new custom-written, lightweight Spider
  • Add-on support for the WebUI
    • Scan scheduler
    • AutoDeploy — Convert any SSH enabled Linux box into a Dispatcher
  • Improved accuracy of differential analysis audits
  • Improved accuracy of timing attack audits
  • Highly optimized timing attacks

If you are interested in the WebUI aspect you can check out some screenshots here, the more comprehensive ChangeLog is also available here.

For those of you into benchmarking and testing you might be interested to know that during a recent test Arachni was the only (from a long list of commercial and F/OSS systems) that hit 100% on both XSS and SQLi tests in the WAVSEP benchmark:

Commercial Web Application Scanner Benchmark

The author is doing a great job with this tool and rapidly closing the gap between free security scanners and the very expensive commercial options. If you do have any feedback on Arachni v0.3 drop a comment here or hit up the Arachni Google Group.

You can download Arachni v0.3 here:


Or read more here.

Websecurify – Integrated Web Security Testing Environment

Websecurify is an integrated web security testing environment, which can be used to identify web vulnerabilities by using advanced browser automation, discovery and fuzzing technologies. The platform is designed to perform automated as well as manual vulnerability tests and it is constantly improved and fine-tuned by a team of world class web application security penetration testers and the feedback from an active open source community.

The penetration testing platform is the only one of its kind. Websecurify is in effect built on the top of a browser and can understand all modern web technologies including upcoming web standards and current technologies such as HTML5.

Main Features

  • Available for all major platforms (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)
  • Simple to use user interface
  • Builtin internationalization support
  • Easily extensible with the help of add-ons and plugins
  • Exportable and customisable reports with any level of detail
  • Moduler and reusable design
  • Powerful manual testing tools and helper facilities
  • Team sharing support
  • Powerful analytical and scanning technology
  • Built-in service and support integration
  • Scriptable support for JavaScript and Python
  • Extensible via many languages including JavaScript, Python, C, C++ and Java

Websecurify uses several key technologies combined together to achieve the best possible result when performing automatic and manual tests. At the core of the platform sits a Web Browser. This allows Websecurify to gain a fine-grained control over the targeted web application and as such detect vulnerabilities that are difficult to find with other tools.

The carefully engineered user interface is simple to use but powerful. All tools and platform features are integrated with each other. This allows smooth transition from one type of task to another and it also makes it easier to work with the complex flow of data, gathered during the penetration test.

You can download Websecurify here:

Windows: Websecurify%200.8.exe
Mac: Websecurify%200.8.dmg
Linux: Websecurify%200.8.tgz

Or you can read more here.