OWASP Hatkit Proxy Project – HTTP/TCP Intercepting Proxy Tool

The primary purpose of the Hatkit Proxy is to create a minimal, lightweight proxy which stores traffic into an offline storage where further analysis can be performed, i.e. all kinds of analysis which is currently implemented by the proxies themselves.

Also, since the http traffic is stored in a MongoDB, the traffic is stored at an object-level, retaining the structure of the parsed traffic.


  • Swing-based UI,
  • Interception capabilities with manual edit, both for TCP and HTTP traffic,
  • Syntax highlightning (html/form-data/http) based on JFlex,
  • Storage of http traffic into MongoDB database,
  • Possibilities to intercept in Fully Qualified mode (like all other http-proxies) OR Non-fully qualified mode. The latter means that interception is performed *after* the host has been parsed, thereby enabling the user to submit non-valid http content.
  • A set of filters to either ignore or process traffic which is routed to the proxy. The ‘ignored’ traffic will be streamed to the endpoint with minimal impact on performance.

Known Issues

  • HTTP-intercept: Some button/checkboxes in the interception window does not work
  • TCP-intercept: The statistics counters are incorrect.

You can download OWASP Hatkit Proxy here:


Or read more here.

sqlmap 0.9 Released – Automatic Blind SQL Injection Tool

Well sqlmap 0.9 has been released and has a considerable amount of changes including an almost entirely re-written SQL Injection detection engine.

For those that aren’t familiar with the tool, sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a kick-ass detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.

New Features/Changes

  • Rewritten SQL injection detection engine (Bernardo and Miroslav).
  • Support to directly connect to the database without passing via a SQL injection, -d switch (Bernardo and Miroslav).
  • Added full support for both time-based blind SQL injection and error-based SQL injection techniques (Bernardo and Miroslav).
  • Implemented support for SQLite 2 and 3 (Bernardo and Miroslav).
  • Implemented support for Firebird (Bernardo and Miroslav).
  • Implemented support for Microsoft Access, Sybase and SAP MaxDB (Miroslav).
  • Added support to tamper injection data with –tamper switch (Bernardo and Miroslav).
  • Added automatic recognition of password hashes format and support to crack them with a dictionary-based attack (Miroslav).
  • Added support to fetch unicode data (Bernardo and Miroslav).
  • Added support to use persistent HTTP(s) connection for speed improvement, –keep-alive switch (Miroslav).
  • Implemented several optimization switches to speed up the exploitation of SQL injections (Bernardo and Miroslav).
  • Support to parse and test forms on target url, –forms switch (Bernardo and Miroslav).
  • Added switches to brute-force tables names and columns names with a dictionary attack, –common-tables and –common-columns.

The complete changelog is available for viewing here.

You can also download the user manual here [PDF] – sqlmap README

You can download sqlmap 0.9 here:


Or read more here.