Sam Spade – Network Investigation Tool for Windows

Sam Spade is one of the oldest network security tools around in terms of a neat package containing a lot of stuff you need, it’s one of the first things I used when I got into information security and I was on a crusade against spammers and scammers.

It has all kinds of useful tools in a neat graphical interface, a lot of them are available on the command line in Windows – but they aren’t so easy to use. It’s extremely useful for tracking spam or ‘UCE’ as it’s known (Unsolicited Commercial E-mail).

Some of the features included are:

  • Ping
  • NSlookup
  • Whois
  • IP block search
  • Dig
  • Traceroute
  • Finger
  • Web browser keep-alive
  • DNS zone transfer
  • SMTP relay check
  • Usenet cancel check
  • Website download
  • Website search
  • Email header analysis
  • Email blacklist
  • Query Abuse address

Some other cool stuff it does is:

  • Each tool displays it’s output in it’s own window, and everything is multi-threaded so you don’t need to wait for one query to complete before starting the next one
  • Some functions are threaded still further to allow lazy reverse DNS lookups (never do a traceroute -n again)
  • The output from each query is hotlinked, so you can right click on an email address, IP address, hostname or internic tag to run another query on it
  • Appending the results of a query to the log window is a single button function
  • There’s a lot of online help, in both WinHelp and HTMLHelp formats. This includes tutorials, background information and links to online resources as well as the program manual itself

You can download Sam Spade here:

Sam Spade v1.14

Or read more here.

sqlmap 0.6.1– Automatic SQL Injection Tool

sqlmap is an automatic SQL injection tool developed in Python. Its goal is to detect and take advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities on web applications. Once it detects one or more SQL injections on the target host, the user can choose among a variety of options to perform an extensive back-end database management system fingerprint, retrieve DBMS session user and database, enumerate users, password hashes, privileges, databases, dump entire or user’s specific DBMS tables/columns, run his own SQL SELECT statement, read specific files on the file system and much more.


  • Full support for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server back-end database management systems. Besides these four database management systems, sqlmap can also identify Microsoft Access, DB2, Informix, Sybase and Interbase.
  • Extensive back-end database management system fingerprint based upon inband error messages, banner parsing, functions output comparison and specific features such as MySQL comment injection. It is also possible to force the back-end database management system name if you already know it.
  • Full support for two SQL injection techniques: blind SQL injection and inband SQL injection.


Some of the new features include:

  • Added a Metasploit Framework 3 auxiliary module to run sqlmap;
  • Implemented possibility to test for and inject also on LIKE statements;
  • Implemented –start and –stop options to set the first and the last table entry to dump;
  • Added non-interactive/batch-mode (–batch) option to make it easy to wrap sqlmap in Metasploit and any other tool.

Complete list of changes at ChangeLog.

You can also grab the User Manual here.

You can download sqlmap 0.6.1 here:

Source – sqlmap-0.6.1.tar.gz

Windows –

Or read more here.

XSS-Proxy – Cross Site Scripting Attack Tool

XSS-Proxy is an advanced Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) attack tool. The documents, tools and other content on this site assume you have a basic understanding of XSS issues and existing exploitation methods. If you are not famliar with XSS, then I recommend you check out the primer links/docs below to get a better of idea of what XSS is and how to detect it, fix it, and exploit it.

CERT info on XSS
CGISecurity’s Cross Site Scripting FAQ
Gunter Ollmann’s XSS paper
PeterW’s Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Concept
SecureNet’s Session Riding paper

Some Common Misconceptions about XSS

  • A user has to click a link to be impacted by XSS.” No – if you visit a page that has your browser will run it regardless of you clicking a link. I carefully crafted this example so it would not be run by your browser, but I could have put real script tags/commands here and made you run then transparently.
  • XSS only matters with bulliten boards, blogs, and other sites where an attacker can upload script content.” That is one way the attack can happen, but an attacker can also leverage sites that allow HTML/SCRIPT tags to be reflected back to the same user (like a search form that repeats what it was told to look for in the response). These flaws are commonly combined with public site redirects or emails to attack a second site.
  • Don’t XSS attacks just create popup windows, alerts and other pesky things?” No – They are commonly used to reveal your cookies or form based login info to attackers. After havesting this info, the attacker uses it to log into the same site as you.
  • I understand XSS, but I don’t think it’s a huge issue“. I think you’ll change your mind once you understand this advanced attack. Read the advanced stuff below and play with XSS-Proxy to see how evil XSS really can be.

You can download XSS-Proxy here:

Or read more here.

lm2ntcrack – Microsoft Windows NT Hash Cracker (MD4 -LM)

This tool is for instantly cracking the Microsoft Windows NT Hash (MD4) when the LM Password is already known, you might be familiar with LM Cracking tools such as LCP.

The main problem is you’ve got the LM password, but it’s in UPPERCASE because LM hashes are not case sensitive, so you need to find the actual password for the account.

Example : Password cracker output for “Administrator” account

  • LM password is ADMINISTRAT0R.
  • NT password is ?????????????.

We aren’t lucky because the case-sensitive password isn’t “administrat0r” or “Administrat0r”. So you cannot use this to connect to the audited Windows system.

This password contains 13 characters but launching my password cracker on the NT hash is a waste of time and there is a poor chance of success.

Note :

  • Password length : 13 characters.
  • Details : 1 number + 12 case-sensitives letters.
  • Possibilities : 2^12 = 4096 choices.

In this example, lm2ntcrack will generate the 4096 possibilities for the password ADMINISTRAT0R and, for each one, the associated NT MD4 hash. Then, search for matching with the dumped hash.

Execution time : <>

You can download lm2ntcrack here:


Or read more here.

Firewalk – Firewall Ruleset Testing Tool

Firewalk is an active reconnaissance network security tool that attempts to determine what layer 4 protocols a given IP forwarding device will pass. Firewalk works by sending out TCP or UDP packets with a TTL one greater than the targeted gateway. If the gateway allows the traffic, it will forward the packets to the next hop where they will expire and elicit an ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED message. If the gateway hostdoes not allow the traffic, it will likely drop the packets on the floor and we will see no response.

To get the correct IP TTL that will result in expired packets one beyond the gateway we need to ramp up hop-counts. We do this in the same manner that traceroute works. Once we have the gateway hopcount (at that point the scan is said to be `bound`) we can begin our scan.

It is significant to note the fact that the ultimate destination host does not have to be reached. It just needs to be somewhere downstream, on the other side of the gateway, from the scanning host.

Read the original 1998 whitepaper here.

You can download Firewalk here:


Or read more here.

NetStumbler – Windows Freeware to Detects Insecure Wireless Networks

What is NetStumbler?

NetStumbler is a tool for Windows that allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g. It has many uses:

  • Verify that your network is set up the way you intended.
  • Find locations with poor coverage in your WLAN.
  • Detect other networks that may be causing interference on your network.
  • Detect unauthorized “rogue” access points in your workplace.
  • Help aim directional antennas for long-haul WLAN links.
  • Use it recreationally for WarDriving.

General Requirements

The requirements for NetStumbler are somewhat complex and depend on hardware, firmware versions, driver versions and operating system. The best way to see if it works on your system is to try it.

Some configurations have been extensively tested and are known to work. These are detailed at If your configuration works but is not listed, or is listed but does not work, please follow the instructions on the web site.

The following are rules of thumb that you can follow in case you cannot reach the web site for some reason.

  • This version of NetStumbler requires Windows 2000, Windows XP, or better.
  • The Proxim models 8410-WD and 8420-WD are known to work. The 8410-WD has also been sold as the Dell TrueMobile 1150, Compaq WL110, Avaya Wireless 802.11b PC Card, and others.
  • Most cards based on the Intersil Prism/Prism2 chip set also work.
  • Most 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g wireless LAN adapters should work on Windows XP. Some may work on Windows 2000 too. Many of them report inaccurate Signal strength, and if using the “NDIS 5.1″ card access method then Noise level will not be reported. This includes cards based on Atheros, Atmel, Broadcom, Cisco and Centrino chip sets.
  • I cannot help you figure out what chip set is in any given card.

Firmware Requirements

If you have an old WaveLAN/IEEE card then please note that the WaveLAN firmware (version 4.X and below) does not work with NetStumbler. If your card has this version, you are advised to upgrade to the latest version available from Proxim’s web site. This will also ensure compatibility with the 802.11b standard.

You can download NetStumbler 0.4.0 here:


Or read more here (tutorial here).

fwknop – Port Knocking Tool with Single Packet Authorization

Port Knocking came about in around 2003, but it has various weaknesses. There are plenty of implentations though (some quite advanced). Most of the problems are fixed however by fwknop!

fwknop stands for the “FireWall KNock OPerator”, and implements an authorization scheme called Single Packet Authorization (SPA). This method of authorization is based around a default-drop packet filter (fwknop supports both iptables on Linux systems and ipfw on FreeBSD and Mac OS X systems) and libpcap.

SPA requires only a single encrypted packet in order to communicate various pieces of information including desired access through a firewall policy and/or complete commands to execute on the target system. By using a firewall to maintain a “default drop” stance, the main application of fwknop is to protect services such as OpenSSH with an additional layer of security in order to make the exploitation of vulnerabilities (both 0-day and unpatched code) much more difficult.

With fwknop deployed, anyone using nmap to look for sshd can’t even tell that it is listening; it makes no difference if they have a 0-day exploit or not. The authorization server passively monitors authorization packets via libcap and hence there is no “server” to which to connect in the traditional sense. Access to a protected service is only granted after a valid encrypted and non-replayed packet is monitored from a fwknop client.

  • Single Packet Authorization retains the benefits of Port Knocking (i.e. service protection behind a default-drop packet filter), but has the following advantages over Port Knocking: SPA can utilize asymmetric ciphers for encryption. Asymmetric ciphers typically have larger key sizes than symmetric ciphers, and the data transmission rate of port knocking (which uses packet headers instead of packet payloads as used by SPA) is not sufficient to effectively use an asymmetric cipher. SPA is compatible with 2048-bit Elgamal GnuPG keys, and other asymmetric ciphers can be used as well.
  • SPA packets are non-replayable. There are strategies (such as S/Key-style iteration of a hash function) used by port knocking implementations to reduce the danger of a replayed knock sequence, but these strategies are relatively brittle and not generally very scalable to lots of users.
  • SPA cannot be broken by trivial sequence busting attacks. For any attacker who can monitor a port knocking sequence, the sequence can be busted by simply spoofing a duplicate packet (as though it comes from the source of the real sequence) to the previous port in a sequence.
  • SPA only sends a single packet over the network, and hence does not look like a port scan to any intermediate IDS that may be watching.
  • SPA is much faster because it only sends a single packet. Port knocking implementations must build in time delays between successive packets because there is no guarantee of in-order delivery.

You can download fwknop-1.9.8 here:

Windows UI

Or read more here.

Superscan v4.0 – Fast TCP & UDP Port Scanner for Windows

This is another tool that has been around for a long time and I’ve been using it for years since it’s earliest versions, oddly however I’ve never posted about it.

So here it for the few of you that haven’t heard of it, probably the best port scanner on the Windows platform, very fast and compact and has good banner grabbing functionality.

SuperScan 4 is an update of the highly popular Windows port scanning tool, SuperScan.

Windows XP Service Pack 2 has removed raw sockets support which now limits SuperScan and many other network scanning tools. Some functionality can be restored by running the following at the Windows command prompt before starting SuperScan:

net stop SharedAccess


Here are some of the new features in this version.

  • Superior scanning speed
  • Support for unlimited IP ranges
  • Improved host detection using multiple ICMP methods
  • TCP SYN scanning
  • UDP scanning (two methods)
  • IP address import supporting ranges and CIDR formats
  • Simple HTML report generation
  • Source port scanning
  • Fast hostname resolving
  • Extensive banner grabbing
  • Massive built-in port list description database
  • IP and port scan order randomization
  • A selection of useful tools (ping, traceroute, Whois etc)
  • Extensive Windows host enumeration capability

You can download Superscan v4.0 here:

Superscan v4.0

Or read more here.