ISR-evilgrade – Inject Updates to Exploit Software

ISR-evilgrade is a modular framework that allow us to take advantage of poor upgrade implementations by injecting fake updates and exploiting the system or software.

How does it work?

It works with modules, each module implements the structure needed to emulate a false update of specific applications/systems. Evilgrade needs the manipulation of the victims DNS traffic, it works in conjunction with man-in-the-middle techniques or MITM such as DNS, ARP, DHCP, etc.

Attack Vectors

Internal scenario:

  • Internal DNS access
  • ARP Spoofing
  • DNS Cache Poisoning
  • DHCP Spoofing

External scenario:

  • Internal DNS Access
  • DNS Cache Poisoning

What are the supported OS?

The framework is multiplatform, it only depends of having the right payload for the target platform to be exploited.

Implemented modules

  • Java plugin
  • Winzip
  • Winamp
  • MacOS
  • OpenOffice
  • iTunes
  • Linkedin Toolbar
  • DAP [Download Accelerator]
  • Notepad++

You can download ISR-evilgrade here:


Or read more here.

OpenVAS – Open Vulnerability Assessment System

As you all probably known since version 3 Nessus turned to a proprietary model and started charging for the latest plugins locking most of us out. Now we finally have a new, properly organised forked development with the name of OpenVAS – at last a decent and free Vulnerability Scanner!

OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and is a network security scanner with associated tools like a graphical user front-end. The core component is a server with a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect security problems in remote systems and applications.

OpenVAS products are Free Software under GNU GPL and a fork of Nessus.

About OpenVAS Server

The OpenVAS Server is the core application of the OpenVAS project. It is a scanner that runs many network vulnerability tests against many target hosts and delivers the results. It uses a communication protocol to have client tools (graphical end-user or batched) connect to it, configure and execute a scan and finally receive the results for reporting. Tests are implemented in the form of plugins which need to be updated to cover recently identified security issues.

The server consists of 4 modules: openvas-libraries, openvas-libnasl, openvas-server and openvas-plugins. All need to be installed for a fully functional server.

OpenVAS server is a forked development of Nessus 2.2. The fork happened because the major development (Nessus 3) changed to a proprietary license model and the development of Nessus 2.2.x is practically closed for third party contributors. OpenVAS continues as Free Software under the GNU General Public License with a transparent and open development style.

About OpenVAS-Client

OpenVAS-Client is a terminal and GUI client application for both OpenVAS and Nessus. It implements the Nessus Transfer Protocol (NTP). The GUI is implemented using GTK+ 2.4 and allows for managing network vulnerability scan sessions.

OpenVAS-Client is a successor of NessusClient 1.X. The fork happened with NessusClient CVS HEAD 20070704. The reason was that the original authors of NessusClient decided to stop active development for this (GTK-based) NessusClient in favor of a newly written QT-based version released as proprietary software.

OpenVAS-Client is released under GNU GPLv2 and may be linked with OpenSSL.

You can download OpenVAS here:

OpenVAS Client
OpenVAS Server

Or read more here.

raWPacket HeX – Network Security Monitoring & Analysis LiveCD

HeX is a project aimed at the NSM (Network Security Monitoring) community for use by network security analysts. The developers believe that simplicity and analysis work flow logic must be enhanced and emphasized through-out the process of designing this liveCD. Not only have they carefully chosen all the necessary applications and tools to be included to the liveCD, they have also tested them to make sure everything running as smooth as possible. In order to summarize the objective of HeX, they are trying to develop the first and foremost Network Security Monitoring & Network Based Forensics liveCD!

HeX Main Features

HeX Main Menu – Cleaner look and more user interface oriented and maximum 4 levels depth HeX Main Menu allows quick access to all the installed applications in HeX.

Terminal – This is exactly what you need, the ultimate analyzt console!

Instant access to all the Network Security Monitoring(NSM) and Network Based Forensics(NBF) Toolkits via Fluxbox Menu. We have also categorized them nicely so that you know what to use conditionally or based on scenario.

Instant access to the Network Visualization Toolkit, you can watch the network traffics in graphical presentation and that assist you in identifying large scale network attacks easily.

Instant access to Pcap Editing Tools which you can use to modify or anonymize the pcap data, it’s great especially when you want to share your pcap data.

Network and Pentest Toolkits contain a lot of tools to perform network or application based attacks, you can generate malicious packets using them and study malicious packets using those analysis tools listed in NSM-Toolkit and NBF-Toolkit as well.

While we think HeliX liveCD is better choice in digital forensics arsenal, Forensics-Toolkit can be considered as the add-on for people who are interested in doing digital forensics.

Under Applications, there are Desktop, Sysutils and Misc, all of them are pretty self-explained and contain user based applications such as Firefox, Liferea, Xpdf and so forth. Additionally, Misc contains some useful scripts, for example you can just start ssh service by clicking on SSHD-Start.

You can download HeX 1.0.3 here:


Or read more here.

PuttyHijack V1.0 – Hijack SSH/PuTTY Connections on Windows

PuttyHijack is a POC tool that injects a dll into the PuTTY process to hijack an existing, or soon to be created, connection.

This can be useful during penetration tests when a windows box that has been compromised is used to SSH/Telnet into other servers. The injected DLL installs some hooks and creates a socket for a
callback connection that is then used for input/output redirection.

It does not kill the current connection, and will cleanly uninject if the socket or process is stopped.


1) Start a nc listener
2) Run PuttyHijack specify the listener ip and port
3) Watch the echoing of everything including passwords

Some basic commands in this version include;

!disco – disconnect the real putty from the display
!reco – reconnect it
!exit – just another way to exit the injected shell

You can download PuttyHijack V1.0 here:


Or read more here.

SIPcrack – SIP Login Dumper & Hash/Password Cracker

SIPcrack is a suite for sniffing and cracking the digest authentication used in the SIP protocol.

The tools offer support for pcap files, wordlists and many more to extract all needed information and bruteforce the passwords for the sniffed accounts.

If you don’t have OpenSSL installed or encounter any building problems try ‘make no-openssl’ to build with integrated MD5 function (which is slower than the OpenSSL implementation).


Use sipdump to dump SIP digest authentications to a file. If a login is found, the sniffed login is written to the dump file. See ’sipdump -h’ for options.

Use sipcrack to bruteforce the user password using the dump file generated by sipdump. If a password is found, the sniffed login in the dump file is updated See ’sipcrack -h’ for options.

You can download SIPcrack here:


Or read more here.