Pass-The-Hash Toolkit v1.4

The Pass-The-Hash Toolkit contains utilities to manipulate the Windows Logon Sessions mantained by the LSA (Local Security Authority) component. These tools allow you to list the current logon sessions with its corresponding NTLM credentials (e.g.: users remotely logged in thru Remote Desktop/Terminal Services), and also change in runtime the current username, domain name, and NTLM hashes (YES, PASS-THE-HASH on Windows!).

What’s new?

  • Support for XP SP 3 for whosthere/iam (whosthere-alt/iam-alt work on xp sp3 without requiring any update)
  • New -t switch for whosthere/whosthere-alt: establishes interval used by the -i switch (by default 2 seconds).
  • New -a switch for whosthere/iam: specify addresses to use.
  • New -r switch for iam/iam-alt: Create a new logon session and run a command with the specified credentials (e.g.: -r cmd.exe)
  • genhash now outputs hashes using the LM HASH:NT HASH format

You can download Pass-The-Hash Toolkit v.14 here:



Windows Binaries


Read what’s new? Or read more here.

nUbuntu – Security LiveCD

The main goal of nUbuntu is to create a distribution which is derived from the Ubuntu distribution, and add packages related to security testing, and remove unneeded packages, such as Gnome,, and Evolution. nUbuntu is the result of an idea two people had to create a new distribution for the learning experience.

Many people ask, “What makes it better than X?”, or “Why should I use this over Y”. Our answer to this question is, we do not think about whether people are using it or not. We are more concerned about the learning process. If you want to try something with a clean interface, fast, and an excellent range of programs please don’t hesitate to download nUbuntu.

You can download nUbuntu 8.04 here:

nUbuntu – 8.04 (x86) (Torrent)
nUbuntu – 8.04 (x86) (Direct)

Or read more here.

MoocherHunter – Detect & Track Rogue Wifi Users

MoocherHunter™ is a mobile tracking software tool for the real-time on-the-fly geo-location of wireless moochers and hackers. It’s included as part of the OSWA Assistant LiveCD we mentioned quite recently.’

I wanted to mention this tool separately as I think it’s very cool!

MoocherHunter™ identifies the location of an 802.11-based wireless moocher or hacker by the traffic they send across the network. If they want to mooch from you or use your wireless network for illegal purposes (e.g. warez downloading or illegal filesharing), then they have no choice but to reveal themselves by sending traffic across in order to accomplish their objectives. MoocherHunter™ enables the owner of the wireless network to detect traffic from this unauthorized wireless client (using either MoocherHunter™’s Passive or Active mode) and enables the owner, armed with a laptop and directional antenna, to isolate and track down the source.

Because it is not based on fixed or statically-positioned hardware, MoocherHunter™ allows the user to move freely and walk towards the actual geographical location of the moocher/hacker. In residential and commercial multi-tenant building field trials held in Singapore in March 2008, MoocherHunter™ allowed a single trained operator to geo-locate a wireless moocher with a geographical positional accuracy of as little as 2 meters within an average of 30 minutes.

You can download OSWA Assistant here to get MoocherHunter:


Or read more here.

TSGrinder – Brute Force Terminal Services Server

This is a tool that has been around quite some time too, it’s still very useful though and it’s a very niche tool specifically for brute forcing Windows Terminal Server.

TSGrinder is the first production Terminal Server brute force tool, and is now in release 2. The main idea here is that the Administrator account, since it cannot be locked out for local logons, can be brute forced. And having an encrypted channel to the TS logon process sure helps to keep IDS from catching the attempts.

TSGringer is a “dictionary” based attack tool, but it does have some interesting features like “l337″ conversion, and supports multiple attack windows from a single dictionary file. It supports multiple password attempts in the same connection, and allows you to specify how many times to try a
username/password combination within a particular connection.

You can download TSGrinder 2.0.3 here:

Note that the tool requires the Microsoft Simulated Terminal Server Client tool, “roboclient,” which may be found here:

Or read more here.

Lynis – Security & System Auditing Tool for UNIX/Linux

Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix (specialists). It scans the system and available software, to detect security issues. Beside security related information it will also scan for general system information, installed packages and configuration mistakes.

This is a tool that might be useful for both penetration testers performing white box tests and system admins trying to secure their own systems.

This software aims in assisting automated auditing, software patch management, vulnerability and malware scanning of Unix based systems. It can be run without prior installation, so inclusion on read only storage is no problem (USB stick, CD/DVD).

What is Lynis NOT:
- Not a hardening tool: Lynis does not fix things automatically, it only reports (and makes suggestions).

Intended audience:
Security specialists, penetration testers, system auditors, system/network managers.

Examples of audit tests:

  • Available authentication methods
  • Expired SSL certificates
  • Outdated software
  • User accounts without password
  • Incorrect file permissions
  • Firewall auditing

You can download Lynis 1.1.7 here:


Or you can read more here.

FWAuto v1.1 – Firewall Auditing & Ruleset Analyzer

FWAuto (Firewall Rulebase Automation) is a Perl script and should work on any system with Perl installed. Provide the running config of a PIX firewall to fwauto. It will analyze and give you a list of weak rules in your rule base and store the result in multiple output files.

Maybe there have been times when you have pentested a firewall. As part of a grey box engagement you were assigned the task of auditing that HUGE firewall rulebase and were stuck on how to proceed, just because of the sheer volume of information. This tool in Perl is created to help in auditing a rulebase and helping you to narrow down on the weak rules. Current support is just for Cisco PIX though the framework was designed to scale across multiple firewalls and no major changes need to be made.


  • Outputs now available in reasonably neat HTML format
  • No more complex command line arguments, everything’s in a config file
  • More ports added in vulnerable ports section
  • Options available to obtain detailed/non detailed output

You can download fwauto v.1.1 here:

Or read more here.