Continuing with the series of tools I’ve been posting on source code auditing and application security, here is PMD a Java Source Code Scanner.

PMD scans Java source code and looks for potential problems like:

  • Possible bugs – empty try/catch/finally/switch statements
  • Dead code – unused local variables, parameters and private methods
  • Suboptimal code – wasteful String/StringBuffer usage
  • Overcomplicated expressions – unnecessary if statements, for loops that could be while loops
  • Duplicate code – copied/pasted code means copied/pasted bugs

PMD is integrated with JDeveloper, Eclipse, JEdit, JBuilder, BlueJ, CodeGuide, NetBeans/Sun Java Studio Enterprise/Creator, IntelliJ IDEA, TextPad, Maven, Ant, Gel, JCreator, and Emacs.

You can read more about PMD at the homepage here.

You can download everything from here:

Download PMD

BobCat SQL Injection Tool

BobCat is a tool to aid a security consultant in taking full advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities. It is based on a tool named “Data Thief” that was published as PoC by appsecinc. BobCat can list the linked severs, database schema, and allow the retrieval of data from any table that the current application user has access to.

The methods that BobCat incorprates are based on those discussed in the following papers:

advanced sql injection
more advanced sql injection
advanced sql injection
manipulating sql server usig sql injection

I suggest if you are interested in SQL injection at all, you read all of the above papers.

BobCat Requirements

  1. Windows OS (Tested on XP SP2)
  2. Access to MS SQL server/MSDE2000 (Tested on MSDE2000)
  3. .Net Framework 2.0

Read more about BobCat here:

Northern Monkee – BobCat

Download BobCat here:

BobCat Alpha 0.3

Some tools to use with BobCat can be found here:

BobCat Tools

ARPWatch-NG ARP Flooding/Spoofing Protection/Detection

If you are paranoid about people ARP spoofing or flooding on your network you can use ARPWatch-NG, ARPWatch-NG is a continue of the popular original ARPWatch from

ARPWatch monitors MAC adresses on your network and writes them into a file, last know timestamp and change notification is included.

It can be used it to monitor for unknown (and as such, likely to be intruder’s) mac adresses or somebody messing around with your ARP/DNS tables.

There have been quite a few fixes lately, so it’s recommended of course to get the latest version!

arpwatch NG 1.5:

try to report error on startup better _ arp.dat _ ethercodes.dat [FIXED]

arpwatch NG 1.4:

try to report _all anomalities via the report function _not syslog [FIXED]

mode 2 _ make action list parseable [FIXED]

further static’fy local functions in arpwatch.c [FIXED]

ethercodes updated from nmap-4.11 and removed old ones [UPDATED]

arpwatch NG 1.2:

on make install also install man-pages [FIXED]

ethercodes updated from nmap-4.00 [UPDATED]

You can download the latest version of ARPWatch here.

LAPSE Sourcecode Analysis for JAVA J2EE Web Applications

LAPSE stands for a Lightweight Analysis for Program Security in Eclipse. LAPSE is designed to help with the task of auditing Java J2EE applications for common types of security vulnerabilities found in Web applications. LAPSE was developed by Benjamin Livshits as part of the Griffin Software Security Project.

LAPSE targets the following Web application vulnerabilities:

  • Parameter manipulation
  • SQL injections
  • Header manipulation
  • Cross-site scripting
  • Cookie poisoning
  • HTTP splitting
  • Command-line parameters
  • Path traversal

What should you do to avoid these vulnerabilities in your code? How do we protect Web applications from exploits? The proper way to deal with these types of attacks is by sanitizing the tainted input. Please refer to the OWASP guide to find out more about Web application security.

If you are interested in auditing a Java Web application, LAPSE helps you in the following ways:

  • Identify taint sources
  • Identify taint sinks
  • Find paths between sources and sinks

LAPSE is inspired by existing lightweight security auditing tools such as RATS, pscan, and FlawFinder. Unlike those tools, however, LAPSE addresses vulnerabilities in Web applications. LAPSE is not intended as a comprehensive solution for Web application security, but rather as an aid in the code review process. Those looking for more comprehensive tools are encouraged to look at some of the tools produced by Fortify or Secure Software.

Read more about LAPSE HERE.

You can download LAPSE here:

LAPSE: Web Application Security Scanner for Java

Odysseus Proxy for MITM Attacks Testing Security of Web Applications

Odysseus is a proxy server, which acts as a man-in-the-middle during an HTTP session. A typical HTTP proxy will relay packets to and from a client browser and a web server. Odysseus will intercept an HTTP session’s data in either direction and give the user the ability to alter the data before transmission.

For example, during a normal HTTP SSL connection a typical proxy will relay the session between the server and the client and allow the two end nodes to negotiate SSL. In contrast, when in intercept mode, Odysseus will pretend to be the server and negotiate two SSL sessions, one with the client browser and another with the web server.

As data is transmitted between the two nodes, Odysseus decrypts the data and gives the user the ability to alter and/or log the data in clear text before transmission.


  • Multi-threaded native Win32 executable – The use of native Window code, combined with extensive multi-threading, means that Odysseus is fast. Speed was a primary development objective.
  • No external dependencies – Everything needed to intercept web requests (apart from a browser configured to use Odysseus as a proxy is included in the distribution archive. No additional downloads or installations are required.
  • Flexible & configurable – A wealth of configuration options means Odysseus should be flexible enough to meet the needs of nearly any web based application assessment.
  • Low desktop profile – Odysseus doesn’t clutter your desktop with redundant windows. A simple System Tray icon is all that is needed to access it’s many features. The various components of Odysseus appear and disappear as configured, or instructed, by the user.

You can download Odysseus here.

Change log is here and FAQ here.

pwdump 1.4.2 and fgdump 1.3.4

New versions of the ultracool tools pwdump (1.4.2) and fgdump (1.3.4) have been released.

Both versions provide some feature upgrades as well as bug fixes. Folks with really old versions of either program should definitely look at upgrading, since there are numerous performance improvements and full multithreading capabilities in both packages.

If you don’t know..what are pwdump6 and fgdump?

pwdump6 is a password hash dumper for Windows 2000 and later systems. It is capable of dumping LanMan and NTLM hashes as well as password hash histories. It is based on pwdump3e, and should be stable on XP SP2 and 2K3. If you have had LSASS crash on you using older tools, this should fix that.

fgdump is a more powerful version of pwdump6. pwdump tends to hang and such when antivirus is present, so fgdump takes care of that by shutting down and later restarting a number of AV programs. It also can dump cached credentials and protected storage items, and can be run in a multithreaded fashion very easily. I strongly recommend using fgdump over pwdump6, especially given that fgdump uses pwdump6 under the hood! You’ll get everything pwdump6 gives you and a lot more.

fgdump was born out of frustration with current antivirus (AV) vendors who only partially handled execution of programs like pwdump. Certain vendors’ solutions would sometimes allow pwdump to run, sometimes not, and sometimes lock up the box. As such, we as security engineers had to remember to shut off antivirus before running pwdump and similar utilities like cachedump. Needless to say, we’re forgetful sometimes…

So fgdump started as simply a wrapper around things we had to do to make pwdump work effectively. Later, cachedump was added to the mix, as were a couple other variations of AV. Over time it has grown, and continues to grow, to support our assessments and other projects. We are beginning to use it extensively within Windows domains for broad password auditing, and in conjunction with other tools (ownr and for discovering implied trust relationships.

fgdump is targetted at the security auditing community, and is designed to be used for good, not evil. Note that, in order to effectively use fgdump, you’re going to need high-power credentials (Administrator or Domain Administrator, in most cases), thus limiting its usefulness as a hacking tool. However, hopefully some of you other security folks will find this helpful.

Get pwdump here

Get fgdump here


FindBugs looks for bugs in Java programs. It is based on the concept of bug patterns. A bug pattern is a code idiom that is often an error. Bug patterns arise for a variety of reasons:

  • Difficult language features
  • Misunderstood API methods
  • Misunderstood invariants when code is modified during maintenance
  • Garden variety mistakes: typos, use of the wrong boolean operator

FindBugs uses static analysis to inspect Java bytecode for occurrences of bug patterns. Static analysis means that FindBugs can find bugs by simply inspecting a program’s code: executing the program is not necessary. This makes FindBugs very easy to use: in general, you should be able to use it to look for bugs in your code within a few minutes of downloading it. FindBugs works by analyzing Java bytecode (compiled class files), so you don’t even need the program’s source code to use it. Because its analysis is sometimes imprecise, FindBugs can report false warnings, which are warnings that do not indicate real errors. In practice, the rate of false warnings reported by FindBugs is less than 50%.

FindBugs requires JRE (or JDK) 1.4.0 or later to run. However, it can analyze programs compiled for any version of Java. The current version of FindBugs is 1.1.1, released on October 6, 2006.

More info & download here:


Inprotect 0.22.5

A new revision of Inprotect has just been released, 0.22.5 in order to fix bugs and implement feature requests submitted by the development team and users. Existing users are recommended to upgrade.

Inprotect is a web interface for Nessus and Nmap security scanners, released under GNU/GPL license. This version has the following enhancements:

  • Improved and fixed issues in the Search page.
  • Standardised fields displayed on the HTML and PDF reports.
  • Resolved issue where the Nessus risk rating is entered inconsistently by the plugin writers and risks were reported incorrectly in Inprotect.
  • Added username and Inprotect version at the top of the page.
  • Notes and Plugin Info pages now open as popups and Notes will refresh the report page if details are entered / changed.
  • Now cannot schedule a scan if a Nessus server is offline or none has been setup.
  • Inprotect’s Nmap NASL modifications have been signed and made available for download on the Nessus website.
  • Fixed numerous other bugs and feature requests (please see CHANGES for further details).

To download, please visit:

Inprotect 0.22.5

For installation instructions, please see the INSTALL file if you are making a fresh installation or the UPGRADE file if you are updating from a previous version. N.B. Documentation is also available on the SourceForge site.

Please report any bugs through the SourceForge Bug Tracker.

Echo Mirage

Echo Mirage is a generic network proxy. It uses DLL injection and function hooking to redirect network related function calls so that data transmitted and received by local applications can be observed and modified.

Echo Mirage tries to be smart with the OpenSSL calls by monitoring ssl_set_fd() and ssl_connect() to determine when SSL is in use on a particular socket. When SSL is in use the encrypted stream is ignored and only the unencrypted data is processed. This doesn’t work for the windows SSL stuff because that functions in an entirely different way…

Traffic can be intercepted in real-time, or manipulated with regular expressions and action scripts.

Changes Since 1.0

  • Hooked RecvFrom, SendTo, WSAConnect, WSASend, WSASendTo and WSARecvFrom.
  • Fixed intermittent crash on uninject.
  • Fixed intermittent crash in thread termination.

You can download Echo Mirage here:


arp-sk is basically an ARP Traffic Generation Tool. It’s quite old but still very useful!

There are 2 basics mode:
– who-has: build a request ARP message.
– reply: build a reply ARP message (default)

Other advanced modes should come very soon
– arping: send a who-has to every host on the LAN to see who is here
– promisc: detection of boxes that are sniffing on the network using promiscuous mode of their network interface
– arpmim: perform Man in the Middle attack

Link level options

-s: set the source address of the packet.
Default : MAC address of the interface used to send the packets.

-d: set the destination address of the packet
Default: broadcast

These 2 options have a strong influence on the ARP message itself.
Here are the default according to these options:

– request

# ./arp-sk -i eth1 -w
+ Running mode "who-has"
+ IfName: eth1
+ Source MAC: 52:54:05:f4:62:30
+ Source ARP MAC: 52:54:05:f4:62:30
+ Source ARP IP : (batman)
+ Target MAC: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+ Target ARP MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00
+ Target ARP IP : (

– reply

# ./arp-sk -i eth1 -r
+ Running mode "reply"
+ IfName: eth1
+ Source MAC: 52:54:05:f4:62:30
+ Source ARP MAC: 52:54:05:f4:62:30
+ Source ARP IP : (batman)
+ Target MAC: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+ Target ARP MAC: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+ Target ARP IP : (

The only difference comes from the destiantion mac address from ARP message, since it has to be 00:00:00:00:00:00. For the reply mode, consistency is preserved and the destination MAC address used for the link layer is copied in the ARP message.

You can download arp-sk here:



BeEF is the browser exploitation framework. Its purposes in life is to provide an easily integratable framework to demonstrate the impact of browser and cross-site scripting issues in real-time. The modular structure has focused on making module development a trivial process with the intelligence existing within BeEF.

The current version is 0.2.1 and is still a work in progress.

Modules Loaded

The ‘Load Modules’ area shows what modules are available. Clicking on them will load the module into the module console area. The modules are the parts of the application that provide code to be sent to the controlled browser. One of the main strengths of BeEF is the ease in with modules can be written. The require minimal effort to incorporate into the framework.

The module console area shows the modules input and configuration details. The following screenshot showthe input options for the Port Scanning Module.


The ‘Zombies’ section of the sidebar displays basic details of the browser(s) under control of BeEF. All modules will execute within the zombies listed here.


You can download BeEF here:

(md5sum: 8e160e72c7b9f1c292b5894d6b8d672c)